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Steven Browning

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  1. I'm working with kpark on this issue and I'm seeing the same thing. We get question marks when we paste the japanese (as well as other languages) into text images. I think it's because the language we are using doesn't have the japanese characters that we need. For instance, here is the Japanese language I imported. And here is that font in the windows character map. But here are some of the phrases I need to import. リセット未済 紙が入っていない レシピモード Those characters aren't in the font, and that's probably why the question marks show up. Do you know of a font that has the full range of japanese characters? Seems like that might be the only problem. The phrases display fine in windows programs, but I just don't know what font to use in VisiLogic. And we'll be using other languages like Chinese and Korean.
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