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Posts posted by Ausman

  1. Hi Adam,

    Have not done an LX350.

    However, I'd first be throwing things at the printer via your PC using any of the serial port software out there like Hercules, to check that it is indeed working as expected via the serial line connections you've done.  And also to check that that command structure works as expected. 

    Then check what the PLC is doing by monitoring it's outputs.  Somewhere between these two operations you'll likely find the stumbling block and be able to correct things.  If it has indeed worked in the past, I would initially be suspicious of your total wiring config to the printer.  Extra connections needed onto odd pins is not uncommon, or perhaps it is something as simple as a 2 & 3 switch.  You may even end up needing to use a breakout box to help figure things out.

    cheers,   Aus.

  2. Hi Visco and all,

    I'm not completely sure what you're trying to do here, Visco, as your input being an MI is a bit self-regulating for possible amounts.  Doesn't my screenshot below do it easily?  But if you put 1000 into MI0, your result here will be 1, without any dec point.  So this raises my question of what exactly are you trying to do with the result?  Is it simply maths, displaying etc?




  3. Hi again,

    vehicles are notoriously noisy electrical environments, so I had always assumed that you were running a buck/boost with heavy filtration as the power supply, and protecting the PLC with shielding in an appropriate box.  It would be an easy thing to also have this configured as a UPS, with it's own very small battery done appropriately into the main system so that it only connects once the engine is running and stable. 

    As an aside, I once had a very stable computer system go absolutely haywire at the crucial 24 hour team relay circuit race I had built a dedicated laps monitoring program for.  It worked fine during extensive testing, but once at the track, in the tower 15m from the nearest approach point, certain vehicles would play havoc with it.  Ended up having to move it into an underground room much further away for the race duration...very annoying!!  But we are talking an Amiga 500.  Ahhh...how times change!



  4. Hi Flex,

    Not really as good.  Drum is much better due to the inbuilt timer system.  The process needs the timeouts to forcibly progress if needed and sometimes these steps are not very long.  If I was using a SM, I would still have trouble monitoring things easily.  If I could actually have everything showing realtime in the drum configuration window it would be very useful.   For example, in the linearisation config, you can directly monitor the values.  I want much the same in the drum config.  I can't see that it would be too hard to do.



  5. Hi all,

    would it be possible to have live drum checking?  I am working with a reasonably complex one.  It is hard to keep up with the steps by referring to my screenshot of the drum layout and then cross-referencing it back to the only way of seeing where it is up to by looking at the index number.  It would be much easier if I could have a means to "open" the drum configuration when on line, with it showing where it is up to and also the timer counts if used.

    Please, please, please!



  6. 17 hours ago, Spyros73 said:

    you propose to create my own RTC, based on the SB??

    Yes, but only after doing some trials on the innate accuracy of the method. Like I said, in theory it is accurate and will work ok, it's meant to be a precise 2.5 or 1.25.  If it is ok through extended testing, you would set it up so that you can easily match it to the master and go from there.  I'm wondering whether the error you currently get is due to the firmware not reading the RTC info every scan?  Alex?  Saragini?



  7. Hi all,

    just quickly looking at this and it is something I've done way in the past when I was young and heavily involved in club motorsport.  I had an inductive on a non-driven wheel giving me distance info into my system, which I'm assuming you have involved as well.  I don't have a Samba to run your ladder on, so can only comment on what I see.   2 things quickly:

    1).  I found many placements in your ladder which I would be separating out, or alternatively combining into one rung.  eg 3 , 5.  I have times where this has solved an issue that shouldn't happen, but does.  There might be scan sequence issues.

    2).  Have you thought of using the time based  interrupt, like I posted here:

    It could be worth experimenting with this and comparing it to the RTC over time, as it will give you much more accuracy having things down to much smaller time intervals. You  may even be able to convert it into your own "RTC", rather than the inbuilt version.

    However, I have always assumed with Unitronics gear, (and am happy to be told otherwise) that the RTC and the time based SBs are independent.   I have thought that the RTC is from a dedicated chip, and the SBs are from the system's time base.  For that reason there can be discrepancy over time, and I take trouble to create separate controls if I need to relate things to real time, or a virtual time count.



  8. If you are getting into Analogue values on a PLC, or anything that uses Analogue I/Os, you are much better off buying a signal generator to physically test things.  Google "4-20mA/0-10V Signal Generator" and you will have myriad choices of how much you want to spend.   Points to look for: self-powered, easy to setup/connect, easily adjust amounts on the fly, easily change type etc.



    • Upvote 1
  9. Hi Edgar,

    Reading your post has me a little confused.....your statement implies you are trying to register various versions of Swapper.  Swapper is the means to register different Visilogic versions.  It is primarily used for when you want to work with older versions of Visilogic for compatibility with PLC installs done at some point in time past.  Using modern versions often creates the need to update a host of things, or do major mods to a program because of the constant improvements Unitronics is excellent at, and this is the way to get around it without uninstalling the existing version and reinstalling the one you want to use.   To get older versions of Visilogic you should be looking at "Previous Versions", not "Swapper Versions" on the software page: https://unitronicsplc.com/software-visilogic/

    Use the latest version of Swapper that will have installed along with 9.8.31 to register various versions of Visilogic.  (edit:  9.8.31 was current at time of post, but always relates to the latest stable version)

    Run both the installs and programs as Administrator.  I also suggest that you have a good read of these topics/answers: 

    My method of creating "virgin" Visilogic installs and then copying them elsewhere for future use/reference hasn't failed me yet.  If you still have issues after trying the options, please let us know.



  10. 8 hours ago, Saragani said:

    Cara mentioned that it will take time.

    I stand chastised, Saragini, and I appreciate your efforts.

    But I was referring to what I see as the simple solution of the big red lettering advice screen appearing first in the installation process, which I felt covered all the bases.  Not referring to the more complex methods you are working hard to implement.



  11. One thing that is missing to my eye is setting the power up values, and likely all the coils need to be done as reset.  Perhaps the program is carrying over previous operations?

    I would also be doing a full initialise and reset on each trial of a new program.

    There are many other operations in this program that are not shown that could be affecting things.  Don't forget the ability to find operands etc by right clicking them in the operand list and doing a find.  This is invaluable in ensuring that you haven't forgotten/lost track of a wrong placement somewhere that can affect things.



  12. Hi Michal,

    It does seem strange that such a useful function needs to be left out of a user program because the key action involved cannot be duplicated via the methods made available by the maker to communicate easily with the plc.  I hear your solution, but it isn't very "hidden" due to immediate action and display it does.  There are many instances where the use of a password is much too involved for some sites, whereas key hold-downs is a common method of getting into deeper areas in a host of things.

    For now I either change the method to multiple pushes of the same button being counted within a time frame to do the same thing, or retain the hold-down method and only access the system remotely using full Visilogic.  But this then entails the end user having the ability to get into the user program as well if they need to access remotely.....not good.  The main issue is that it can make some instances way more complex than they need to be.

    Hope this explains things a bit better.  I'm definitely enjoying CraigT's support on this one.  I should be able to do everything with RA/RO that I can do if onsite, that's what they're for!

    cheers, Aus

    • Upvote 1
  13. On 10/04/2017 at 6:07 AM, diogki said:

    Does the v200 module require power supply to activate the analog inputs or the power supply

    Carefully observe all the wiring diagrams in the manual for the snap-in.  Power must be to all points noted for it to work.  It's a bit of a trap for the uninitiated...very easy to miss.

    I'm not making sense of your other questions...same inputs being referenced???

    cheers,  Aus

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