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Posts posted by Ausman

  1. Thanks Saragini,

    Firstly,  +1 to Joe's comments about forum interaction.

    Secondly, it is during right clicking on modules.  The blackonblack.jpg shows the black writing.  No. 2 shows it highlighting to white if the mouse hovers, but this change to white is very erratic, changing frequently/flickering as you move the mouse tiny amounts in the area where the highlighting should be constant.  This is on my main system which is still 7 32 Home Premium.  It is only minor, but I figure it's not that hard to change to make things a bit nicer for the user.

    And again sorry to Mikey for deviating this thread. 

    cheers, Aus



  2. Well....everything it had.  Sometimes I remember a solution I stumbled upon in the past on the old forum, and want to revisit it.  At present it would seem that the old forum is completely inaccessible.  It came up because I was trying to chase the DST solution I mentioned elsewhere, that I couldn't find...maybe it was the old forum.



  3. Wondering if you could just have the plc monitor & provide overall "control", but use a simple direct control loop to do the fast work?

    Or alternatively some sort of converter which changes your position sensing on the actuator to a High Speed Frequency Output, which might make things possible.  A quick goggles found this:   http://www.redlion.net/product/analog-frequency-converter-module

    cheers, Aus

  4. 13 hours ago, Cara Bereck Levy said:

    Help me out here.

    Yes....sorry Cara, it sort of evolved into a discussion about the need for such a thing across all Unitronics types.  But in my case I am particularly talking about Visilogic.  Given that DST is a common thing worldwide, yet Unitronics has no innate means of implementing it without user coding, is a bit of an oversight in my opinion. I have worked with simple RTC timers that allow me to set it up with a few button pushes, so a far more complex PLC should also have the means to make it easy.



  5. Hi Mikey,

    I don't know Unilogic very much at all, but my looking at specs for an 0808R shows it as not having anything analogue.  Have you selected the correct module?  And also your structure looks like it using numbers way too small to work correctly.  100 is max?  Or is that 100%, or 10.0V in your setup?

    Some day I will transition to Unilogic, but for now I am using the forum as part of my prior learning by watching a lot, without commenting much! But in this case, if an 0808R is selected, why is it possible to choose analogue functions when they don't exist?  Someone please explain this bit I am missing!





    Hi again all,

    Re me posting my solutions, it is getting into "my secrets" areas as the code is embedded into other things I prefer not to share with the world, and I can't be bothered separating it out.

    However, I don't think that the ideas would be too hard to put into a function block for Visi etc.  It is all based around compares that look at dates, days of the week, and months and consequently works whenever the plc is running...it doesn't have to be on during the transition days.  Surely it wouldn't be too hard to develop a function block that has inherent calculations that do the same things and ends up with a MB on or off, based on answers to questions that ask when DST starts and ends for the desired location.  If a dumbo like me can do it, then the whizkids at head office who work with this stuff all the time should do a much neater version in a flash!

    It would be a very useful addition.



  7. 3 hours ago, hotwires said:

    i suppose i could construct a one time modbus write register that could change system clock. 

    Yes, do it!  Anything that saves lots of driving around is worth it!  Isn't that what our great new world of technology is for?  Hmmmm?  Apart from sending us crazy now and then!



    • Upvote 1
  8. Works now.  I see that it only works if it is running on the day.  I'll dig up my methods as that is why mine was involved, as I don't do sets, it works on compares and works regardless of whether things are on or not.  But give it a few days...busy.

    Also, in looking at this initially, I remembered I had seen someone's post with their example of how they had gone about it.  But searching doesn't bring anything up.  Might I have seen it on the old forum?  Ringing any bells with anyone else?  I think it was from one of our European colleagues.  Thought it had the ladder as images.

    cheers, Aus

  9. Joe, I can't import that vlx, it pops up an error.  What Visi version was it under?

    In Aus there are different rules between our states, and my state changed things around a bit in past years, all or which creates constant headaches.

    Daylight saving is one of those things that is simple for a human brain, but is actually fairly involved to explain to a dumbo plc!



  10. Does it boot into safe mode?  On one hand you are saying it has torn up your computer, but then you talk about accessing System Restore points.  Are you doing this via a System Repair Disk, or getting to them via a normal startup, which indicates a running system.  And Joe's comment about ticking the "show more" box is important...I forgot that "feature".

    If the problem is insurmountable, and you don't have any backup images or partition copies, then you could reinstall windows as a repair install if the installer recognises the existing partition.

    Again, before doing anything, take an image or partition copy, then fiddle with things.

    Part of my ritual is to do system images/partition copies monthly, with more minor backing up done daily that covers things in between.


  11. Hi and welcome,

    20 Hz is well within the capabilities of a standard DI.  I wouldn't even bother with using the high speed inputs.  How you go about the count depends on what time period you want to use.  If you work on one second, base things around using a positive transition of SB3 as your one second timer.  Count the number of pulses of each input by using a positive transition of the relevant input using "+ increment" into a "master" MI for each input. When SB3 recycles/turns on, store the number in that master MI into another MI, and then reset the master MI to 0.  The master MI then counts up again, and you can do maths on the copied MIs to get your result.  This count is based on the number of pulses per second so it lets you easily work out the flow rate per second/minute etc.

    But given that the max input frequency is going to be 20Hz, perhaps the time period should be higher for greater accuracy.  Maybe 5, or 10 seconds.  Only you will know what suits your setup the best.



  12. 8 hours ago, tmoulder said:

    Anybody try running an unmodified Win 10 host and running Win7 or XP on a virtual machine?

    I have tried this in the past as W10 running 7 on both a desk and laptop, and I had trouble with correctly interfacing to com ports.  It was meant to work, but wouldn't operate correctly on the systems.  I think the only way to know for sure is to try it, though, as I feel it is very system dependent.

    My final solution which works fine was to set up the laptop as a dual boot.  I was able to add in a 7 partition copy after installing 10, and then adjusting the booting to allow selecting both.  I have read somewhere that 10 doesn't like this sequence of setup, but it all works ok.



  13. I'm assuming this is Visilogic.

    If I am understanding you correctly, you need to have 2 separate calculations going for your set range for each input.  The controlling maths will be the same, but you need the separation as they are themselves separate.  You would be using the Within Range Compare, at the bottom of the Compare dropdown list.

    As for the error comparison, this is again 2 lots of fairly simple maths, again finalised using the Within Range function.  The amount of error allowed depends on where you run the comparisons in your calculations.   eg Perhaps it would be more accurate if you compare the raw inputs, instead of linearised results.    Say you allow 10 as the +/- error on the raw input, you would add 10 to the input and put it into an MI, and subtract 10 from the input and put it in another MI.  You then compare the other raw input to those 2 MIs using the Within Range Compare, and if the error is less than +/- 10 it is ok.   I started this para by saying you need 2 lots running, but on checking before posting I have realised that it will likely be OK just doing this once!

    You can link them all to the same alarm by using an MB for each result, and those 4 (or 3!) MBs run the alarm output, with a screen showing the reason for the alarm call.



  14. Hi all,

    just another observation that might be of use.  I run some W10 computers on sites that want it.  I still stick with 7 myself for the myriad of reasons already noted.

    In answering a question on the U90 forum, I thought I'd elaborate here.

    W10 shifted itself onto version 1607 on all these puters in the last few months.  (Start/run/"winver")    During this, and at other "bigger than what I don't know" updating, it resets a myriad of user preferences back to what Msoft want.  That is correct, YOUR preferences get turned back to what they want.  Many crucial things like "Don't you dare touch my drivers", "Run System Restore"  "Generally let me decide what I want to happen in MY computer" are changed to either off or Msoft is in charge again.

    In my case having driver updating again available to Msoft resulted in a system becoming unbootable.  It was right PITA that took a day to fix, as I had to go back through various Macrium images to find what had happened, by actually loading each one.  Eventually discovering the preferences "resetting" and working from there to have everything back to what I wanted.  All my backups after 1607 went in would work fine up to the last one, but then during use up would pop "Windows has finished repairing your disc and you need to restart" or words like that after a little while.  The drive then had corrupted boot files.  Thanks a million Msoft!  You change my settings and because of that you can change crucial stuff to what YOU deem best, and make my system fail.  All under the cover of "Well....you didn't have driver updating not allowed turned on" and so we did it! 

    So....the point of the lecture, dear students, is that if you are on 10, make sure to routinely check that crucial preferences are still set at where you want them.  It is one of those things the OS/Msoft will do that you are totally unaware of until something happens that causes you to look at them.  You may then utter statements like "I didn't do that" or "Leave my settings alone you horrors" or words more forceful than that..........I did!

    Truly I find the arrogant nature of this OS appalling.  Some parts of it are ok, but for now I am still sticking with 7 if I can.




    • Upvote 1
  15. Hi Kal,

    1).  The diagrams you need are in the U90 help files, open help and do a search for "Direct Communication".  The 7th listing down is Direct Communications- PC to PLC and open that and you're there.  It has everything you need.

    2).  You do not need download manager for what you are doing.  U90 does it all.

    3).  I do not know your computer, but I have never had any programs from Unitronics delete restore points.  What Windows version are you using?  W10 has the most annoying habit of changing all the user preferences back to what Msoft want during certain updating.  In amongst this it also turns off System Restore, thus deleting all points.  Perhaps this has happened to you and you have only just found out that Sys Restore is off because you haven't looked at it for a while, thinking it was running ok when in fact it wasn't.

    W10 has caused me untold grief and I stay away from it unless absolutely necessary.  Many people in the machinery control game are sticking with Win7 at present.




  16. Hi Jorge,

    If the project hasn't been burnt for upload, the only way you're going to get it is via having access to the original *.vlp file in whatever computer or storage media it is in.   If you can't get this, you will likely have a problem.  Bear in mind that you might be getting into "intellectual property" issues, and that may be why the original programmer has done things this way.

    Of possible help is to use info mode and find the project's name, which might at least point you in a direction for finding the correct file.  But even this can be wrong, as it depends on whether the original debugging/proving of the program had name changes along the way.

    Also check what is on the SD card if it has one in the slot.



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