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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Hi Guys, You can use the String tools to create any string you want. This is part of the beauty of them. Here is an example program that takes the RTC to ASCII for the date and the time, Removes the "/" from the date and the ":" from the Time, then truncates the strings down to four chars, and then merges the two strings creating your file name. It is also worth mentioning, that we added a few new formats to the RTC to ASCII to support files names (legal file name chars are numbers, letters and the "_"). string tools to make file name MMDDhhmm.vlp
  2. 272 downloads

    Here is an example program that takes the RTC to ASCII for the date and the time, Removes the / from the date and the : from the Time, then truncates the strings down to four chars, and then merges the two strings creating your file name.
  3. Hi, I run across the same problem from time to time with many programs. Here is a link to a piece of software that can help. http://wistinga.online.fr/shidewin/ This program will display all of the open windows. You can select the VisiLogic window and have it brought to the main screen. -Anthony
  4. Hi, i would use some single scan conditional element, like a -|P|- contact before the shift block, or it will run on every scan. If you would like to see what is happening with the bits, i would recommend using the memory field and setting it up like in this image. You can watch the bits shifting right. If the MSB is a 0, it will shift in a 0, and if it is a 1, it will shift in a 1. I have attached an example as well. v570 shift right example.vlp
  5. Dennis, I am using a M90-19-R4 RS-232 to RS-485 converter. I have Com 2 on my plc set to baud rate 19200 and RS-485. I have set the jumpers to terminated RS-485. The network ID is 64. You can see the settings all here. If you converter has an option for half duplex try enabling it.
  6. There is an ABS function available for MI and ML if you use the formula function block.
  7. Hi Kurt, Did you look at the response form the previous post?
  8. Hi Kurt, If you go to help-->Examples and browse to Version 850\Project examples\Communications\FB Protocol you will find an example called V130_Send_number_and_string .vlp You will find a good example of how to send strings out ont he RS-232 port.
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