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  1. Hi, I am working on .net application that listens on Ethernet from three PLCs witch are connected via switch to PC. I am using .net driver from the Unitronics web site (I used Listener Example solution). Application should write incoming data in SQL database. I listen on port = 20256, I am getting data from one PLC successfully when one PLC is connected on the switch, but when I connect another one then I can't read from the other and also OnDisconnect event fires. So: - How to solve problem when more PLCs try to connect my application, and how to read from all of them at the same time? - How to solve concurrent access in Database ? In attachment are two .vlp files from the two PLCs. Here is a part of the code: private void ButtonListenOnPort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EthernetListener listener = PLCFactory.GetChannel(LocalPort) ?? new EthernetListener(LocalPort, 3, 3000); listener.OnListenerConnectionAccepted += OnConnect; listener.OnListenerConnectionClosed += OnDisconnect; PLCFactory.GetPLC(listener); } private void OnConnect(PLC plcfromlistener) { _plc = plcfromlistener; var rw = new ReadWriteRequest[1]; rw[0] = new ReadOperands { OperandType = OperandTypes.MI, NumberOfOperands = 9, StartAddress = 0 }; try { _plc.ReadWrite(ref rw, AsyncReply); } catch { MessageBox.Show("bla bla"); } } private void AsyncReply(IAsyncResult ar) { var async = (AsyncResult)ar; var del = (ReadWriteOperandsDelegate)async.AsyncDelegate; var rw = new ReadWriteRequest[0]; try { del.EndInvoke(ref rw, ar); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } var values = (object[])(rw[0].ResponseValues); MethodInvoker mi = delegate { var success= new ClassSuccess(); success.Successful = 1; StoreInClassSuccess(success); }; UpdateUI(mi); } // store in database public bool StoreInClassSuccess(ClassSuccess entry) { try { using (var context = new DBEntities()) { context.ClassSuccess .Add(entry); context.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return true; } netv570.vlp netv570n.vlp
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