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Posts posted by swb311

  1.  ¿Algún programador de unitronics en jalisco/guadalajara?  Necesito varios programadores para empleo a tiempo completo. Las habilidades de desarrollo web completo también serían útiles.

    Any Unitronics Vision programmers in Guadalajara or greater Jalisco MX area?

    I would like to find 2-3 devs for a permanent full time position,  web dev experience and English skills are a plus.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

    It's actually the exact opposite. The router is set to forward port 20256 from their public IP address (WAN) to their to their private IP address (LAN). This is actually fairly common, and while it's not secure, it's generally okay because there is little incentive (profit motive) to hack in these situations. Tensions in the ME provided the incentive absent a profit motive.

    It's a good lesson learned here - avoid using default settings.

    Please forgive my oversimplification of the issue.  I've been awake since early Thanksgiving morning trying to get wells back online that were affected by this hack lol.

  3. I would also suggest using a #6 "Preset Holding Register" function block instead of the #16 "Preset Holding Registers" function block as your vector length appears to be one.  This can cause issue with some slave devices.  You might have better luck if you lower your baud rate to mitigate any problems electrical noise (that VFDs are notorious for) might be causing, as well as making sure you are using shielded cable that is grounded on one end only.

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