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  1. I am also interested in this subject as well. We use Ewon in applications.
  2. Yes tried that. No vibration at all. The only fix is replacing it.
  3. we just replace the cpu and error goes away. reboot never works just pops back so we replace them with a new one cpu error occurs reboot never works error pops back up
  4. I am going to necro this thread being I am starting to have this issue. Currently using 1.33.210 and 1.33.273. In six months had 6 cpu errors in various places. All we been doing is sending a replacement cpu and then it works. So what could be causing this issue?
  5. This working, it connecting to sensor. Also the sensor wire A and B hook up to probe was backwards. But the unistream manual says D+ = B and D- = A. Switched this and it connected.
  6. It just a blank program . Just trying to a reading through being online, looking at global tags. Thanks for the help. test1.ulpr
  7. Tried that as well. Tried this as well. Do I need to create some ladder logic to make connect and read?
  8. Still not having luck. My usb rs485 finds the device. But unistream is still not making the connection. Kinda lost at this point.
  9. Thanks. For the advice.
  10. Yeah still not having any luck with this. I am thinking I am trouble understanding the address location of my device.
  11. I haven't really done anything really. This is about as far as I got.
  12. New to using RS485 modbus. I am wanting to set up a new pH sensor using modbus. Not sure where to begin with this. I know i set-up unistream hmi as master. I want to read pH and then calibrate the sensor. I have attached the paper work from sensor. Can't make heads or tails out of it. A simple program would make difference to understand what going on with the addresses and such. Thanks for the help!
  13. I tried running as admin. Nothing. I did get it working. I had them on a separate partition. I guess unistream doesn't like. So I put them all on c drive. Works fine now. I have all older version.
  14. I recently got a new laptop with Windows 11. So I installed Unistream 1.28.26 worked fine. Did installed every version up to latest. All opening fine on install. Keeping the older version as well. Before anything said. I have applications out there that are built on older version. Due to how long it takes to do downloads and updates on slow 4g internet can be. I have to keep using older version. Older version don't open. The splash screen starts then says loading components, Then just disappears. Running old version on old laptop worked fine.
  15. Was wondering if there is remote i/o outputs with 4 to 20 mA output. The URA-0004W and URA-0008W only shows 0 to 20 mA. Thanks Rog
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