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Posts posted by vken

  1. short story follows :)

    <Burn "upload project"> with version 9.8.80, install 9.8.65 and update all system files to that version and plc run normally after that. I tried to upload with success with only a warning message at the end that you are trying to upload a project from a newer version. It work! and it looks functioning pretty well (for now). GSM is back on line! 
    (exporting hmi screens failed at importing)

    It looks that the problem is with BOOT files newer that 2.2.48. When having newer boot file the Siemens TC35i didn't initialize on any port.

    meanwhile I tried and version 9.8.80 with OS 4.6.15 is also working with BOOT file 2.2.48... so I could let the project in 9.8.80.

    thank you all,

    lesson taken

    • Upvote 1
  2. I tried to do it without success. 

    I connect it direct to PC Com port (once on desktop pc direct com port and once on laptop using usb-serial converter), from Visilogic's Modem Services I tried to do initiate it without success, Communication was not possible. i tried also from a serial terminal to command it without success again. 
    I 'm not 100% sure that i did everything right because it's been a long time since I setup my last modem, but i think i did.

  3. done that with out any success.
    i will have a new modem in a few days to check again, the old modem is not responding to AT commands, so there is something to wait for. 


    after loading a blank project the port 1 led is still blinking like there is data traffic, downloading back the original project, initializing  COM 1 or COM2 is not possible again.  

  4. thank you all.

    every mistake is a big lesson.

    after trial and errors and files backup restores

    Now I'm running visilogic 9.8.80 and system files are like these

    V1040 (A)
    O/S: 4.10 (20)
    BOOT: 2.2 (53)
    BinLib: 0-3.10(03)
    FACTORY BOOT: 1.3 (06)

    it looks ok but I still don't have gsm function. the port led still blinking like crazy and it looks that it doesn't initialize Com 2 as it should. 

  5. Hi Aus,

    thank you for reading my story :)

    the project was made for blank pages and works fine for 5 years. last mod with minor additions was at 20/12/20 and it was working fine. that's what I download again.

    what is strange is that when i update OS (VCO00401044_V1040)over ethernet and had the fatal error, i roll back the os again via ethernet connection (VCO00401036_V1040) and it boot and had a sms from the PLC that it was LIVE again, and it was fully functional. 

    that's why i thought that might need also all the system files updated and I proceed with USB cable! 

    now i have the  20/12/20 that was funtional 100% on the plc. that's the file i still have a backup with Visilogic v 9.8.80

  6. Hello,

    is this a support forum or is a story telling website :)

    well I tried to download some changes after a while on one V1040... visilogic asked me to update the controler OS because it was old and I did. that result a fatal error on startup, so i deside to update it again using usb cable and not network connection this time. During bin.lib update i accidentaly lost communication and from that point and on all went wrong. with Unitronics Support I restore the controler with the lettest system files, bin, boot and os. I download the project and after that the fatal error was back! 

    I took out the battery to zero the memory becasue the project was not burned and starting again with out application I download again the project. the fatal erros was there again so I deside to give "some time to the air". turn off the power, let the battery in controller and I went for a coffee. 

    and it works! after power up the plc it boot ok and is fuctional but not 100%. the GSM intigration which was connected on Port2 has no communication with the TC35i modem. the led in front of port 2 are blinking, the signal is good and when i call the modem answer. so i tought to change the port from 2 to 1, i made all the nessesary changes on the program, swith the modem cable to port 1 and download, reset and run the plc.

    nothing! the problem still there.

    from visilogic's modem services i cannot acces the mode.  it looks that com initialize doesn't work on power-up! 

    the only thought that i cannot execute because i'm missing files. is to roll back everything. find visilogic v.9.8.80 where is the last project backup and all the plc system files that response to that but I don't have them.

    So in long that's the story :) and I ran out of ideas.

    any thoughts?


  7. I want to give a feedback and some more info because I found it difficulty ....

    well it looks that it works! the "words" reading is easier and clear approach. 

    I905476645_L1V3.thumb.jpg.d04919391e9c368a706279294103159a.jpg1421473724_HzV3.thumb.jpg.c3dd4de932f77c9e55883172164e7666.jpg don't have clear reading about Voltage of Phase 1, some times is around 230xxxxx... but most of the time is like 59139010000000000000000000.000000 but it's a stable reading. 

    for Hz the reading is clear

    for both of them  I can't find a way to move the decimal point. for example to have 49.84 Hz instead of  49837.520000 any idea how to manage the length of the values

    US5_B10_TR22 - v3.ulpr

  8. Hi,

    thank you both!

    So that's why I need a Gurus to guide me  :)

    ORSO you are right that I miss that point and Isakovic stretch me to the reading of several registers in row.

    I made some test, here is the code but still don't have the correct result.

    correct me if I'm wrong:


    Reg 0 - Hi is 34 | Reg 0 - Lo is 12 | Reg 1- Hi is 78 | Reg 1 - Lo is 56

    the format in order to be read as float should be 34,12,78,56 ?

    what I tried to do in the attached is that but is not working

    they are 2 lines here,

    one with Sargani's explanation that looks pretty nice and give in "Buffer 1" the above format, but I'm still missing something to have the right result  

    the second is a deferent approach but also half and far way. 

    thank you for you patience.


    L1 Voltage.jpg


    US5_B10_TR22 - Copy.ulpr

  9. Hi Joe,

    yes I did, I also checked two other post from the forum.




    but as far I can understand is that the reading should be in two arrays or two registers.  how ever I was not able to read two arrays from unistream. 

    according to the energy meter's  manual they are 4 bytes (2 registers) per parameter. 


    if I connect with an adapter to the energy meter with modscan64 I can read the values also in float format

    When is saying 4 bytes (2 registers) they are 2 registers in row?

    for example 30001 and 30002 ?


    p.s  I'm beginner in Modbus but I think not that bad 

  10. Hello ,

    I 've got an Energy meter (yes again!) which returns 16bit registers at the maximum range 65535. some times that is also negative...  that is format  IEEE 754

    It's the first time see this format and I can't find a way to read automatically the correct values.

    I read some articles and some other post with multi array but this is not multiarray it's just a number which need some calculations on it if I got it right? (find the "mantissa" and so on).

    Or I got it totally wrong ...

    any Ideas ?

    thank you


    p.s I 'm using a US5-B10-TR22

  11. Hello,

    I got a V130 -33-TR6 to read some 4-20mA analog sensors.

    It looks that the input MI doesn't response on what I had in mind.  The values for 0 (Zero) instead of 4mA is 206 in the selected MI and the linear conversion is hard because it looks out of range from the very first time.  At the Current Transformer for instance there is no current  flow and the result should be 0 Amps.

    the sensors are 2 wires. so the (-) is going to the input and the (+) is going to the 24V

    check out the sc shots. 

    what do you think that I'm doing wrong?

    linear 2.png



  12. Hello Joe.

    thank you for your effort!  it was really helpfull.

    actually it worked like before, no matter if the input was in the list it returns 0 at MI1302. 

    if the msg was not recognised it returns like you said -1.

    however  the scan like you said it's working but it was always stopping at first index where it was getting the received message to fill the variable in MI 1310 . 

    That's why as far I undrstand it was returning always the 0. 

    I change the protocol scan and I keep the row where transfer the received msg to variable  MI1310 at the end. so the received msg pass from all the rows before go to that row. It works!

    now MI1302 get values like 0 for #0000* , 1 for #1234* and 2 for any other valid format msg 

    thank you very much once again for the support.





  13. I made some modifications on the last version.

    I add auto reply the received message and i  modify the protocol by adding some index.  ( i used ..\Project examples\Strings\V280_Receive_number_and_string.vlp )

    following that index i tried to raise a mb at line 4 , but did'n work. 

    (more or less i had in mind the configuration of a SMS CONFIG but as far as I know there is no such function in that case)

    what do you think?

    RS232 COMMAND.vlp

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