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Posts posted by FilipM

  1. Hi

    My PLC model is USC-B10-TR22 and I understand that process control have highest priority, but Im also concerned about usefullnes or friendliness of HMI (in this case virtual).

    Web server over ethernet seems eneough to fulfill our requiments  and its more flexible than physical HMIs but, to be more precise, some dynamic analog values in our process must be controlled by operator and the problem is operator see changes 1 second after touching button. While using webserver toolbox premade gauges we can see analog changing value indication, but with textboxes values refreshing time is ~1 sec.  which of course not correspond with real delay in vHMI - PLC path.

  2. Hi, 

    Im making appilication to control oil burners in industry furnace and Im having problems with my HMI over Webserver. All text fields  just like for example "Timer box" refreshes over 1 second. Right now Im using Chrome browser to work with my HMI. Is there any chance to force (or other way to view) webserver HMI to have shorter values update time like 0,1s?


  3. Hi!,

    I try make some progres with following problem. I need to display 2 curves on one trend window (Visilogic, Vision 1210) and I want to rescale y axis once for a while to fit data inside

    For example: I have two curves, both can change form 0 to 1200, operator need to see both curves but on y axis he need to see only 200 points (from 0 to 200, then from 100 to 300 etc.)

    I created some logic to find present max and min value from both data and use it as an input integer (M|) for trend ymin and ymax.

    The problem is: after trends refresh and resize y axis, first curve displays correct but second act like crazy. Goes up or down. It behave like it works on history axis.

    Im asking for help, maybe someone resolve this problem before.

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