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Posts posted by michael.uts

  1. Hi Simon,

    Yes i only have the UID0808THS connected and it is directly connected. 

    Blank project means i have set up the correct PLC + HMI and Module and nothing in the main function to ensure it inst a programming error.

    HW version 3, boot version 4.3 OS type DI8TO8HS to 5.10.

    Any help would be great.


  2. Hi All,

    I have an issue with a UID0808THS installed with a USP-156-x10. The unit will continue to flash Orange after the OS is booted up.

    I have tried all configurations from nothing plugged in, only the V+ and 0V, inputs and outputs.

    I have installed a blank project and still does not load into solid green LED.

    Firmware 1.32.112 and I have installed the extra IoOs files for UID-0808THS_V_5_10



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