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Everything posted by Chris2

  1. Hi Easy Pete, Sorry, I didn't realise I had a reply. Thank you for detailed response. I will make a note of this method. Thank you again. Chris
  2. Hi, Is it possible to use a single Unistream Lite HMI to connect to 2 x Unistream PLC's via the VNC facility? Or can you only have the one VNC connection. The HMI Lite would be need to display the screens from the two unistream PLC's.
  3. Hi Gabriel, Thanks for the reply. I know how to adjust the comms settings in Unilogic. I was just wanting to find out if the settings can be made adjustable in the finished program. So the end user can adjust them if need be. If it can only be done in UNIAPPS that's fine.
  4. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance of looking at my question above (March 30). I just need to know if serial comm settings adjustment can be incorporated within user program or can this only be done in UNIAPPS
  5. Is there any way to add serial comms settings adjustment (i.e. baud, stop bits, data, parity) within a Unilogic program. Can this only be done in UNIAPPS?
  6. Hi Hananel, Thank you for the reply and confirming. For info my Unilogic is ver: 1.32.61 Chris2
  7. I have been trying to get the ladder function "Copy DTI Column into Array" to work with no success. I think there is an error in the UniLogic help on this function: Input A (Data Table: Source) No problem here I can add DTI OK Input B (Column: Source) No problem here I can add DTI column OK Input C ( Start Row) No problem here I can add a constant here e.g. #0 Input D (Number of Rows) !!!Problem This supposed to accept a constant but does not. Input E (Array: Destination) This will not accept an Array name. But does seem to accept an Array name with an index, which doesn't help any. It allows a constant which does not tie in with the help description. Again putting a constant here does help solve anything. Input F (To Array Index) This allows a constant. **Also, When you drag the function to the rung it automatically fills in inputs C & E with #0 which suggests these accept constants. This contradicts the help? E supposed to be the Array name**. ----------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE I think I have sorted it myself. There is an error in the Unilogic help on this function. The ABCDE Function allocations are as follows:- Corrections in RED Input A (Data Table: Source) Input B (Column: Source) Input C ( Start Row of Source) Input D (Array: Destination) Name of Array (same data type as source column) Input E (To Array Index) Input F (Number of Rows to Copy)
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