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Sou novo no ramo! Tenho uma (V200-18-E6B)

Estou utilizando o software Visilogic, porém não sei como comunicar com PLC/IHM.

Não consigo encontrar, nada mostrando detalhamento como faço esse procedimento! Alguém poderia me ajudar!

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  • MVP 2023


Flex just popped a reply, but here's my one I've just finished.


I have one (V200-18-E6B)

I am using Visilogic software, so I don't know how to communicate with PLC/IHM.

I can't find anything showing detail how to do this procedure! Someone could help me!"


Visilogic Help/Help/Contents/Getting Started/Downloading/Uploading a Project.

Read all the "Getting Started" section anyway, and refer to the Help system often. 


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