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I'm trying to find out how I have to create a database with visilogic 9.8.96 hmi vision v350-j-tr20 and ethernet card v100-17-ET2


What it's about is creating a database on my Windows 7 professional 32-bit PC that stores all the data of the process (reading flows, levels....) or the data that I deem appropriate of my process in vision v350.


How do you do this?


Always grateful to someone who teaches me to do this and how to start.



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There is a software Utility program   -   Data Export    ( Software - VisiLogic - Software Utilities )  that will extract  the data from the data tables in the V350 and store them in the PC.

This can be done on a local network, or remotely.  If doing remotely, SERIOUSLY CONSIDER  upgrading to  VisiLogic  9.9.0 or greater for security reasons.

The data is downloaded into a Unitroncis formated file and then can be extected to an Excel  file.

You can do this manually or have as    a   scheduled   occurance.

Works well - we have been using it for years  extracting data from multiple remote PLC's.

Download, configure, test  -- trial and error will guide you .

( UniDDE  and UniOPC  are also avialbale to get data from the Vision PLC )



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