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Novice needing some help please.....

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Hi _ Wonder if anyone is able to help me please. I am learning (self) and have a basic system at home.
I was hoping to be able to have the input value (B) of each of these lesser than functions  on the hmi screen so they can be altered without the software - is that possible ? 





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hi justsmurfted,

yes it is possible...as for the "A" input you can couple a variable/tag that will be also coupled with an HMI element, like numeric box, so you will able to modify it when you want...pay attention at the "retained" or "not retained" type and at its attribute "starting" or "power up" value.

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  • MVP 2023

Looks like you're creating a thermostat for your pool temperature. The way I would do it is to create a tag for the temperature setpoint (this will be the value displayed on the HMI that can be modified), then create two more tags that you add and subtract half the variance you allow around the setpoint. Place these tags in your two compare blocks for the 'B' value.

If you want to have a fractional degree variation, you will need to multiply everything by 10 so that you can have an implied decimal to work with.

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2 hours ago, Flex727 said:

Looks like you're creating a thermostat for your pool temperature. The way I would do it is to create a tag for the temperature setpoint (this will be the value displayed on the HMI that can be modified), then create two more tags that you add and subtract half the variance you allow around the setpoint. Place these tags in your two compare blocks for the 'B' value.

If you want to have a fractional degree variation, you will need to multiply everything by 10 so that you can have an implied decimal to work with.

Thanks Flex727 - yep absolutely correct. Ideally like to keep the pool around 29 ish but would be good to be able to up that as needed.
I think I interpret you correctly  - >  Sorry - just so I get it spot on -  on this basis below. Heatvalve comes on at between 27deg and 31deg ?
The numeric box on the hmi works perfectly - thankyou! Basic I know but am getting there slowly. 😊






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5 hours ago, ORSO2001 said:

hi justsmurfted,

yes it is possible...as for the "A" input you can couple a variable/tag that will be also coupled with an HMI element, like numeric box, so you will able to modify it when you want...pay attention at the "retained" or "not retained" type and at its attribute "starting" or "power up" value.

Thanks ORSO2001 - i think coupling a tag at the moment is beyond me. Appreciate your reply.


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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, justsmurfted said:

Sorry - just so I get it spot on -  on this basis below. Heatvalve comes on at between 27deg and 31deg ?

No, you're trying to do math with a compare function block. That won't work. You need to create two new tags using the addition and subtraction function blocks, then use those tags in the compares.

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