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Using the URB Remote I/o Configurator

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Hi All! I am new to (posting to) the site. I apologize if this is a redundant topic, but I couldn't seem to find anyone else having the same issue.

I am trying to configure a set up to add a URB-TCP2 in Visilogic. I have followed the steps mentioned in other places -> Tools -> URB Remote I/O Configurator, it opens up the configurator just fine. However, I then select New "URB-TCP2", then Finish, and the screen closes. I can't add any other configuration, etc. That's as far as I can get. I am running Visilogic as an Administrator, if that's applicable in this situation. I have tried with an existing program, as well as with a new program using a V350-J-B1. I have updated my software, closed and restarted it...nothing helps.

Has anyone else run into this scenario, and if so, how did you get around it? This is my first time trying to add the URB-TCP hardware, so if I simply overlooked something, please let me know.

Thanks for any help.

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I've never experienced that issue, You should end up with a window that looks like the below and you can select the IO cards from the right to add to the URB.



If your not I'd recommend sending an email to support as you may have an installation issue.

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🤷‍♂️  what can I say Ausman, cross pollination.


It’s a Modbus slice IO adaptor,  Unitronics put a config tool in Visilogic so you can use it.   When you open the configuration it pulls open a different window that looks like UniLogic but isn’t. It’s just a similar interface.    I assume because the URB’s were for UniStream and then adapted to Visions.





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Aus, perhaps that was my problem? I upgraded before even trying, thinking that was the way to go. I guess a guy should start thinking in Windows terms, and never upgrade till you know its good. Is there some place to to upload older versions of Visilogic?

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There is a section on the website for it but I believe the oldest they currently list is V9.90, if you need an older version your best to email support@unitronics.com to get the required version. 

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