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Saving data to SQL (MariaDB) without SQL connector feature


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Hello, I am facing a problem how to store data to a MariaDB database on our server. Unfortunately I have more than 40 pcs of US7-B5-T42, sou without SQL connector. Thus I have to think out something different. 

My idea is to use MQTT protocol, code some php broker on server and more or less convert save the incoming data to a MariaDB. The data will contain some strings, therefore I do not want to use Modbus. My questions

1. Has somebody solved this before? If so, how? Please miss unicloud

2. Is it possible to upgrade B5 to "B5 with SQL connector" additionally? 



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@kratmel: Thx. Did so.

The support says it is not possible to upgrade basic version to semi-pro I would say, thus SQL connector is not available.  Recommends to use rest api and I will do it this way as it is better than MQTT for my purposes.


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