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SD Card & PLC application


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Had done a project using V570, due to some reason, the program in the PLC was corrupted??? I need to send the same program on a SD card to the client. I do not have a V570 with me. I do have a few V130s. Now without a PLC, can the program be dowloaded from Visilogic or any other utility onto a SD card? If yes, then HOW?

Kindly reply ASAP


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If you wish to send the customer project which will be downloaded using SD card then follow the below steps:

  • Open the application using VisiLogic
  • Under Project menu select the option "Create project files..."
  • In the first Tab "Clone File.." if you wish to create only application file then select the .V57 option and click on create file
  • Then you need to put this file .V57 in the SD card in folder User_App. (Basically you can send the customer the SD card or send him the file and he will put it on his SD. (Make sure the customer SD card is formatted properly)
  • Now the customer can insert the card to the PLC and from Info mode --> SD --> Application -->upload to PLC

After performing the above steps the application will be loaded to the PLC.

Another option is to use the Unidownloader.

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If you wish to send the customer project which will be downloaded using SD card then follow the below steps:

  • Open the application using VisiLogic
  • Under Project menu select the option "Create project files..."
  • In the first Tab "Clone File.." if you wish to create only application file then select the .V57 option and click on create file
  • Then you need to put this file .V57 in the SD card in folder User_App. (Basically you can send the customer the SD card or send him the file and he will put it on his SD. (Make sure the customer SD card is formatted properly)
  • Now the customer can insert the card to the PLC and from Info mode --> SD --> Application -->upload to PLC

After performing the above steps the application will be loaded to the PLC.

Another option is to use the Unidownloader.

Thanks Ofir, will try out.

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  • 4 years later...
Hello! I also need to send a project but do not want the customer in any way see the program. When I want to create a file .C13 not take me PLC ID SW9. Join the numeror and when I leave the cell to enter the ID number entered password is cleared.

I need to code the program so that the program does not work for another PLC and can not open. From already thank you very much, I hope you understand me and I can help.

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