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trend from data table

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Hello. I have a few questions on the schedule.

at some point in time the program saves the data in the table.

table has two columns and 1000 rows.

I want to build a plot of one column from another.

forthe correct construction of the schedule I have to linearize the valuesof the columns, put these values into a new table, and then build agraph.

Will it do this?

Are there any examples of working with graphs and tables?

Many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...


You can find many examples in VisiLogic under Help >> Examples.

The examples which demonstrate the functionality you want are the Trend examples and the Data Table examples under Project Examples.

Explanations can be found in the help file under HMI Displays >> Display Variable Types >> Trends and Ladder > SD Card Functions > SD Card: Data Table Functions (Ladder)

If you need any further assistance please let us know the following information:

Which controller you are using?

What exactly you are trying to do? describe in detail the graph you are trying to build.

Attach your application or send it to Support@unitronics.com.

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  • 1 month later...


Controller builds a graph from a table while using the single-axis number line and on the other axis the value recorded in this line. and I have to plot the values of the second column from the first.

the image portrayed is necessary. the first version of my work, and how to implement a second?

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