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Relay Outputs

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Hi im trying to use the relay outputs for V200-18-1B


this is how ive set it up


0V on negative

V1 on normal V2 output connection (or on a normal positive connection)


When i link the output to a button push event

nothing happens


the normal setup for the normal outputs works fine.


am i doing something wrong

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Thank you for using our Unitronics Forum.


Could you please explain which digital output you are using? (relay/transistor)


If you are using a relay output, please note in addition to powering V1 and V2, you will also have to supply power to the relay.  The V1 terminal will only power the output logic to close the relay.  But once the relay is closed, there needs to be some sort of power to run through it.


Please refer to the spec sheet found in the technical library, under our support tab of our website, for wiring configurations.


If you are using transistor outputs, you just needs to supply power to V2 and the output will send 24VDC out from the module itself.  The issue may then reside in your logic.  If you could attach a copy of your program for our review, that would help us to better troubleshoot.


Let us know if this helps.

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