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An invitation to suggest ideas for new UDFB's

Eyal Koren

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Hi all,

This is an open invitation for you to suggest new ideas and thoughts for Unilogic UDFB's.
It is very important for us to keep track of our customers needs. As part of this agenda we want to create and develop useful tools for your benefit.
These UDFB's will be attached to the next releases of Unilogic.

Please feel free to suggest any idea that seems useful.
Thank you

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  • 4 months later...

I'm not sure if this is the sort of suggestion you are looking for on this subject but I'll put it here anyhow.  I think it would be great to have some statistical calculation functions. If there was the ability to read a vector/array of values and determine the statistical profile, that would be excellent! The values that would be most helpful I think would be those that are available in Excel when using the statistical analysis tools such are seen here (http://www.real-statistics.com/descriptive-statistics/descriptive-statistics-tools/ )

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is the sort of suggestion you are looking for on this subject but I'll put it here anyhow.  I think it would be great to have some statistical calculation functions. If there was the ability to read a vector/array of values and determine the statistical profile, that would be excellent! The values that would be most helpful I think would be those that are available in Excel when using the statistical analysis tools such are seen here (http://www.real-statistics.com/descriptive-statistics/descriptive-statistics-tools/ )



Please see the attached application. I assembled it according to the "Descriptive Statistics" feature in Microsoft Excel. You may find it useful.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I was testing the Statistics program you made and I found a bug that I can't seem to figure out. The Max Value function seems to work fine but when the Minimum Value is less than 0, it sometimes rounds to 0. I tries to narrow down the symptoms and it is somewhat inconsistent. for example:
- When I set the range to 2 and I put a 0.1 on the first register and a 5 in the second register, it works but if I reverse the positions so that the 0.1 is in the second register, and 5 is in the first it does not work.
- When I set the range to 2 and I put a 0.1 on the first register and a 5 in the second register like the previous example, it works but then if I change the range to 5, it does not work.


Attached are a few pictures to show what is happening.





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  • 2 weeks later...



I was testing the Statistics program you made and I found a bug that I can't seem to figure out. The Max Value function seems to work fine but when the Minimum Value is less than 0, it sometimes rounds to 0. I tries to narrow down the symptoms and it is somewhat inconsistent. for example:


- When I set the range to 2 and I put a 0.1 on the first register and a 5 in the second register, it works but if I reverse the positions so that the 0.1 is in the second register, and 5 is in the first it does not work.


- When I set the range to 2 and I put a 0.1 on the first register and a 5 in the second register like the previous example, it works but then if I change the range to 5, it does not work.


Attached are a few pictures to show what is happening.


Thank you for bringing this up!

Using your reference I found out that there is a bug in the "Sort Array" function block (which is used to determine min/max values in the application) - apparently It does not sort certain values. I referred it to our R&D department and this bug will be fixed in the upcoming Unilogic version.

Thanks again for bringing this up.

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I was testing the Statistics program you made and I found a bug that I can't seem to figure out. The Max Value function seems to work fine but when the Minimum Value is less than 0, it sometimes rounds to 0. I tries to narrow down the symptoms and it is somewhat inconsistent. for example:


- When I set the range to 2 and I put a 0.1 on the first register and a 5 in the second register, it works but if I reverse the positions so that the 0.1 is in the second register, and 5 is in the first it does not work.


- When I set the range to 2 and I put a 0.1 on the first register and a 5 in the second register like the previous example, it works but then if I change the range to 5, it does not work.


Attached are a few pictures to show what is happening.




FYI, the bug in Sort Array function block is fixed, and will be included in the next release of Unilogic (which should be available next month).

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  • 5 years later...

It would be great to have a filtering Algorithm  such as the Stavitzsky-Golay Smoothing method shown here.


I have struggled with a product of ours to find a good way to smooth data before charting it to a Trend. My issue looks the same as this example but I cannot seem to get my math right in Unilogic to get this to work in a UDFB. I think that even if I could get it into a UDFB, I find that sometimes a UDFB of this level of complexity would be better off as a Fixed Function Block rather than a User Defined Function Block simply because it would be cleaner and less likely to muddy up an already complicated program. I think that many other users could benefit from this as well.



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  • 8 months later...
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  • 1 year later...

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