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V1040: can a display comprise two trend from SD?

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I am new to V1040, trying to place two trends read from SD on one display.  When use "build all", give me error " A Display can comprise only one trend graph'   Is it really impossible to do that? Could not find anywhere to say there is a limitation for this.  I may miss out something that I don't know, so any one can help me?

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I believe you can put up to 8 curves on one graph. Try it that way, rather than multiple graphs.

Yes, one trend graph can show 8 curves.

I have 15 curves to show and I wish to show them all on one screen. I create screen A for real time trend to two graphs. First graph has 8 curves on half screen and second graph has 7 curves on other half screen.  This is all OK using TREND block graph.  Then I create another screen B trying the same way but using TREND from SD block hoping to show 15 curves on one screen again but the curves values will come from SD.  Then that compile/build error comes up if  second TREND from SD graph block is put on the same screen.


It seems that only one TREND from SD graph is allowed on one screen. Not sure if that is true.

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