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Exporting a ladder function


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In a previews version of UniLogic I was able to export a function NOT being a UDFB and pick it up in an other project which worked well.
Now I am using v 1.7.62 and trying to export a function gets stuck in a pop-up menu telling me that UniLogic is preparing memory location.(there is more than enough space ).

Canceling is no option because UniLogic does not react to that. the only way out is to terminate UniLogic.

I have now upgraded to v 1.8.51 and it does exactly the same thing. Is this a problem in my computer? can someone test this on his/her computer?



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Hello Derk,


Thank you for using our Unitronics Forum.


We tested this exporting feature for a subroutine in our office and were successful in doing so with UniLogic 1.8.51.  The message that first appears is "Preparing Export Storage.." which is part of the exporting process.  Is this the message your computer gets stuck in?


Would you mind sending this issue into support@unitronics.com with your code attached and perhaps a screen shot of the pop-up message your computer is stuck at?

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