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vision 130 stuck in factoryboot mode

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I tried to update the OS from a V130-33-TR20 but it stopped after the erase.

I can't get it back to work, tried everything, even removed the battery.

After retrying the Com1 port disconnects after the erase.  I tried all baud rates....


I can't even run te plc, after restart it displayes factory Boot 01.003.07 dec 30, 2010


any ideas?


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Which version of VisiLogic are you using?


Even if the PLC is displaying the boot mode screen you should be able to access Info Mode and update the O/S using a micro-SD card. Using an SD card formatted with our SD card Suite you can place the V130 O/S within the system folder and download this to the controller. Do you have another V130 operating with this updated O/S? If so you can upload the file onto the SD card, then download it to the controller with the issue.


You can access Info Mode by pressing and holding the 'i' key. The default password to enter Info Mode is 1111. Then navigate to SD then O/S and upload/download the file as needed.

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  • 4 years later...

Hi, I'm having the same problem. In my case i tried to update de BOOT version, the first step (Erase boot memory) finish correctly. But in the next step (Burning Boot) an error apear and the proces interrupt. I tried to do it with the UnDownloader and with the VisiLogic but in both cases I get the same result.

In the screen apear "Factory Boot" and i can not enter to the information screen any more. I tried whit the I button and whith the combination of I+ESC buttons and switching the power but it didn´t work.

I attach same screenshots. If someone can help me i wil be very thanks.








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  • MVP 2023

What model of plc?  Is it actually a 130-33 as shown in the screenshots?  

And please don't do double posts about the same problem.  All posts on the forum are moderated, so there will be a delay before yours appears.

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  • MVP 2023
4 hours ago, marcelocoppari said:

I am conected using COM port

Need more information.

Does your V130 have an RS232 and a USB mini port?  If so, which one are you plugged into?

How are you connecting to your PC?  Directly to USB port or through a USB to serial adapter?  If an adapter, what is the brand and part number?

This is the question I was asking.

Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

OK.  In theory, unless some new model has appeared that I don't know about, you don't have a usb port.  So the next questions to all be tried/answered are:

1).  Are you using the  MJ10-22-CS25 adapter and cable that came with the unit?   Checked the continuity of the cable?

2).  Are you connecting this adapter using a native com port on your puter or using a usb to 232 adapter?  If a USB to 232 adapter, what make and model?  There are various issues with types from "little known" makers. 

3).  Did you install Visilogic as Administrator by right click on the installer and run as admin, and also set the visilogic.exe as "run as admin" as well?

4).  If you can access Info mode on the plc, and you should be able to, go to System/Mode and choose 5 or 6 and start again with your communications with Visilogic.

5).  For your comms to work ok, I have often found that I need to manually set the 232 speed in Device Manager to match what is being tried in Visilogic.  This is meant to run at 115200, so start with that.  But I have occasionally found that for some (unknown) reason I need to set this speed slower, so if things don't work, lower the speed progressively in steps and see how it goes.

6).  You should be able to do all you need with Visilogic.

cheers, Aus

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Joe, thanks for your answer. My PLC doesn`t have a USB port. It only have a RS232 port and a Ethernet port because i bought and intall the ethernet card. 

My computer doesn`t have a COM port, for that reason I am ising an USB-RS232 adapter. After that i have te MJ10-22-CS25 adapter that convert de DB9 port to RJ11 (This adapter came vith my PLC).

Do you think that my USB-SERIAL adapter could cause el problema?


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Ausman, i wil respond next your comments:

OK.  In theory, unless some new model has appeared that I don't know about, you don't have a usb port.  So the next questions to all be tried/answered are:

It ti corect, i dont have a USB port.

1).  Are you using the  MJ10-22-CS25 adapter and cable that came with the unit?   Checked the continuity of the cable?

It is corect, i am ising a Mj10-22-CS25 adapter and the wire that came with the unit, I dont checked the continuity of the wire but i wil do it and i comment te results.

2).  Are you connecting this adapter using a native com port on your puter or using a usb to 232 adapter?  If a USB to 232 adapter, what make and model?  There are various issues with types from "little known" makers.

Ok that is a good point, my computer doesn´t have a native COM port, so I am ising a USB-SERIAL adapter. Realy i dont know about the maker, in the properties of the device it say "wch.cn"  and the model "CH340". I wil update the controller and if is posible I wil try with other adapter. 

3).  Did you install Visilogic as Administrator by right click on the installer and run as admin, and also set the visilogic.exe as "run as admin" as well?

No, I jusd installed the VisiLogic directly. I never ran the instalation as admin. I will reinstall the aplication and i wil comment te results.

4).  If you can access Info mode on the plc, and you should be able to, go to System/Mode and choose 5 or 6 and start again with your communications with Visilogic.

I cant acess to info mode. It was imposible  since I tried to update te boot version.

5).  For your comms to work ok, I have often found that I need to manually set the 232 speed in Device Manager to match what is being tried in Visilogic.  This is meant to run at 115200, so start with that.  But I have occasionally found that for some (unknown) reason I need to set this speed slower, so if things don't work, lower the speed progressively in steps and see how it goes.

Ok thanks for the information. I wil try and I Wil comment you.

6).  You should be able to do all you need with Visilogic.


Thanks for your respond. I wil test all your suggest and I wil comment after.


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  • MVP 2023

I highly suspect the USB adapter.  You need something for your PC that uses the Prolific PL2302 chipset.  The USB adapter Unitronics sells is part number MJ10-22-CS35.

I played with several lower cost adapters because of course I know better and I can most certainly find something cheaper online.  Those Unitronics guys were trying to rip me off.

They worked for programming but not for OS updates.  

Turns out not all serial modes are emulated in the driver by the lower cost adapter manufacturers.  When the OS is updated, Visilogic shifts to ASCII mode and the cheap adapters go "Duhh ...  what's that?"  and cease to work.

So get another adapter and let us know.  Or do what I do and find an old Dell Latitude D630 with a real serial port.  I have four of them (super cheap on eBay) and they are still my field computers.  They run Win 7 just fine.

Joe T.

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  • MVP 2023

I'm with Joe on it being the adapter. 

I use a combination of: 

  • desk systems MUST have a native com port (still possible if you look hard enough and often simply needs a header fitted as many mboards are still capable and have the pins in place); 
  • older laptops with native ports;
  • or PCMCIA  cards and usb adapters from reputable makers like Shentek etc.  These have always worked fine in recent laptops, including one on W10.

If you cruise around the forum you'll find all sorts of issues with inferior USB adapters.  All our terrible experiences in the past wasting countless hours are available free of charge for your benefit....which boils down to "Get a Proper One"!!

cheers, Aus

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  • 1 year later...

Espero me puedan ayudar, tengo exactamente el mismo problema con 2 plc´s V130-33-t38.

el primero lo intente restablecer con un adaptador rs232 a USB y perdio la comunicacion por completo

el segundo lo intente restablecer con el puerto COM nativo de una PC y ocurrio lo mismo, no tengo comunicacion en ningun plc y aparece lo de la imagen en el display y no hay manera de salir de esa pantalla


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