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UniStream .NET driver?


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I have been using the Vision series sucessfully for control and SCADA applications using the .net driver library. I am now looking to try out the new UniStream OPLCs but I'm not sure if the existing driver will work. Is such a thing possible? If so, what are the differences (if any) in the workflow? Thanks

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Hi Cataliz3er,

Currently, there is no .net driver available for the Unistream series.

For communicating with 3rd party devices (such as SCADA) we recommended on two options:

1. Modbus - You can set the Unistream to function as a Modbus slave, easily define the relevant tags for communicating with the SCADA (which is the Modbus Master).

2. Message Composer - You can use the built in Message composer to create a communication protocol between the SCADA and the Unistream, including the relevant tags for data exchange. You can communicate over either serial or Ethernet connection.

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Thanks for the reply! 

Then I'm guessing there is no way to bulk manipulate Data Tables the way it is possible with the Vision Series.

What would be the best way to transfer recipes to and from the PLC in this case (other than SD card)?

Thank you!

Do you need to transfer the recipes in an automated script? or are you intending to do this manually?

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Do you need to transfer the recipes in an automated script? or are you intending to do this manually?

I need to edit the recipes on the PC and then send them to the PLC. I'm not sure whether to call it manual or automatic.

Reading the recipes is also important because they can be edited on the PLC.

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You can do the following:

1. Add an SD card to Unistream.

2. Add logic to write the data table to a file on the SD card.

3. Option1: Define the Unistream as an FTP Client. Then you can send the data table file (a .udtf format) to an FTP server (the PC).
    Option2: Use Unilogic to upload the data table file from the Unistream (see attached image).

4. Use the attached converter (zipped file) to convert the UDTF file to Excel file.

5. Edit the Excel file as you wish.

6. Save the file and use the converter to convert the file back to UDTF (use the same filename).

7. Either use the FTP services or manually download the file back to the PLC.


Unitronics UDTF-Excel Converter.zip

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