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Hi Bill,

We will lock the old forum for new posts at 08/08. But it will still remain open for reading and search. Currently we have no any final date to shut down at all. We will rise this question in at least 3 months and according to user's reaction will decide to close it finaly or to continue keep it alaive as knowledge base.

In any time you can copy/paste topic from there to the new forum to continue discussion or to start new one!

  • MVP 2014

I guess this has been asked internally, but is there any chance the old forum posts can be transferred to the new forum as a locked archive section?

  • 2 weeks later...

I guess this has been asked internally, but is there any chance the old forum posts can be transferred to the new forum as a locked archive section?


why did you import all the post with the converter importing tool. then all post will show up in this forum allso??

i just wonder

  • 2 weeks later...

Nacho, no te preocupes...we can leave it there forever if need be :-)

I am going to go out on a limb and assume I speak for all of us, but unless the info gets stuffed into the new forum in some fashion I think we would all benefit from it being there forever. Can't imagine it takes up much resources.



I agree with Damian - the time horizon I envision is more like 'forever' for saving the old forum stuff. Certainly into the double digit years. If you still have product that is referenced in those forums in the field, please keep the old forum (keep links to old software and manuals, too!).

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