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Operand Find and Replace issues

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  • MVP 2023

Hi all,


In cleaning up a project due to some unexpected extra instructions etc needing to go in, I moved some MBs around to make things easier to understand.


In using Operand Find and Replace, it all turned to crap.  I have read another post on the forum that says that they have had trouble with this operation as well.


An example is that I want to move MB3, a 'screen is displayed' link, to MB50.  I bring up the Replace box, source MB3, target MB50 (which is empty), no sub or display restrictions, vector length left at 1, copy properties and clear source both ticked.  Click apply and it all seems to have happened OK.  I can then find no references to MB3 in the program using the Find facility, and everything seems to have moved OK to MB50.


However, in running the program, even after an initialise, it seems that the PLC seems to have retained some aspects of the previous configuration.  Although MB3 is now nowhere to be found in the program, I cannot turn it on or off manually whilst online, it is stuck on.  It is still being referenced by something that is not visible to me, with the consequence that the program doesn't now run correctly.  If I manually go through and do all the changes myself, everything works ok.


I have also had similar things occasionally happen when I use copy and paste, where I use the same element layout but just change some numbers around.  It seems that some of the pasted elements that need changing retain some sort of internal invisible connection to the source, which then creates issues.  Going over every single element and OK'ing it then seems to cure the issue, which is defeating the point of the exercise a bit!


Has anyone else had issues like this?  I can get around it, but the facility to make it easy exists, yet doesn't seem to work properly.





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  • MVP 2023

Hi Flex,


and thanks for the thought but the answer is no.....no vector ops.  Simply a screen on link for some keypad ops in the ladder.


All very strange.  All of the changes were along the same lines, simply moving 20 or so screen on MBs further up in number to an area that was free, to make their location more sensible.




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