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Charts in Excel Templates


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I tried to save a template that had a chart(on a separate sheet) that was linked to the exported data. I saved the template in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics\Unitronics DataXport\Excel Templates"

when the data export takes place, the file is created, but without the sheet with the chart.

Is what I am trying to do even possible? It would be really helpful if it was.

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 It is oblivious to your template. 

Joe T.

That's exactly how it appeared when I was first attempting this., however, I downloaded the latest version of DataExport, and now it does indeed use my template. I was using version 3.1.9 and Excel 2013. I am now using 3.1.18. It works now with both .xlsx and .xls file formats, provided I have the appropriate extension(s) on my template(s).


I have the data populating Sheet2 and my chart is on Sheet1, referencing the data area on Sheet2. When the client opens the file, they get a nice, fully coloured and documented chart of their cure cycle, with the back up data readily available for detailed review.

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