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In my app I use Draw Line to display a Profile of 101 points, I draw a line from one point to next, and this can vary from point 1 to point 2 or all the way from point 0 to point 100.

Attached is draw line function example showing that a single diagonal line will not draw from one corner to the other.

Is this something that could be fixed in the firmware?



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Unfortunately, at the moment the DrawLine utility is defined to draw a maximum length of 256 POINTS, while the line is diagonal.

Hi Stein Yair,

Actually the number of pixels that it decides to draw must have to do with some screwed up math function, attached you will see another example of how the drawline function performs on diagonal lines.

Now in my last example it showed that you could draw as many horizontal or vertical lines as you wanted all within a single scan, if I was to try to do that on diagonal lines it would only draw about 5 lines and then it would stop drawing, if you need a an example of this I could make one.

In the attached program I draw lines starting form the upper left corner points 0,0 (x,y) and try to draw all the way over the the end of the display 799 (800 pixels wide), for some strange reason it does not want to draw lines into the "monolith" area?



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