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Touch variable to show trend

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Hi guys,


I need some advice.


I want to touch a temperature variable and want a trend (how did the temp change) to pop up on the screen on top of other variables.


Is it possible to bring variables/trends infront of anything else?


If not, how should I continue to achive this goal?






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You typically can't put HMI items in front of other items.


I would recommend a screen that the HMI jumps to when you press a button and then use small elements for the other variables.

Thanks for the reply !


I guess I have ti create separate display then

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there any way to run a trend in the background, so when you first "open" the trend, it is already populated with the historical data?  What I'm seeing is that I can "open" a trend, but it only starts logging when it is opened.  If you close it to do something else, the history is lost.

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