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Data table - insert row -


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Dears All,


sometimes the "insert row" don't works...I try to explain below:
I have created two DTI; one is used to record some values from slaves, and its status, and one is for the alarms.
Each row of the "record DTI" is referred on slave that has the same number....at the beginning of each cycles I catch the value of one slave from the field...I read the recorded data of it and do a compare...if something mismatch the new data will replace the old data and, if it is an alarm, it will "insert a row", every time the first row, in the "alarm DTI". This action is done in the same rung.
the DTI of "record" is everytime updated but the DTI of alarm not!?...in this way if an alarm is present it will be updated in the "record DTI", the new row in the alarm is not insert, and when I will check it again the new alarm don't appears because the status is the same as before.
I managed the "stop" status of the slaves as an alarm...If I put in "stop" 2 contiguous slaves, at same times, this issue happens...if I let few seconds between these action it works.... Each cycles (read, compare,write etc) need more or less 100mS...



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