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V350 and Profibus Digital Input Module

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This is not possible because Unitronics plc can only act as profibus slave and the module you want to connect is also a profibus

slave. I see a Unitronics plc with profibus card as a intelligent remote i/o device including Hmi that you connect to a profibus master.

For Unitronics plc you have to look for modbus rtu or tcp remote i/o, or the i/o modules offered by Unitronics.

Kind regards


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@For Unitronics plc you have to look for modbus rtu or tcp remote i/o, or the i/o modules offered by Unitronics.


Canbus I/O can also be used by Unitronics.

Noticed that Murr also offers Can open protocol so I think you would need this one then.



I don,t have experience with Canbus but at least I know that for a V350 you have to order a V100-17-can module.


Kind regards


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