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Computer Keyboard function loss during editing.


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  • MVP 2023

Hi again all,


I'm still only on 9.7.55 /0  and still running Win 7.


I have an issue that is not too significant, but over time it gets really annoying.


During editing the name of an MI, say, in the description box in the Operands table list, the delete key stops working.  I can only use backspace or mousework.  It persists until I do a compile and save, then it works for a while then stops again.  The only definite thing I have found is that it seems to come back OK after the save, but then stops again after use.


Although it is minor, it is definitely a right PITA if you have to do lots of name changing, eg after a paste. None of my other programs do this.  You merrily work away and then suddenly your editing goes wrong, and you have to change the way you do things again!  I have tried, without luck, to find the pattern that starts it, but if anyone else has isolated it down please comment.  It is one of those things you forget about until it crops up again and you can't quite remember everything that you've done beforehand.


Whilst I'm on this issue, an associated one is that there seems to be a long delay/hiccouph in the associated text mouse click/double click selection process which sometimes leads to clicking not enough, or too much, or it brings up the Copy Paste box for no reason.





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  • MVP 2023

During editing the name of an MI, say, in the description box in the Operands table list, the delete key stops working.  I can only use backspace or mousework.  It persists until I do a compile and save, then it works for a while then stops again.  


I don't have an answer for this, but want to add that this happens to me regularly also.

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