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Nine UNITRONICS OPLCs in Lithuania

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The greatest task of last year for our company was a project of replacing old control systems (mainly KOYO) on nine hydro power plants in Lithuania.

Our goal was to replace old control systems (nearly 20 years) with new ones, fulfilling actual demands for operator comfort, reliability and ability to communicate with external devices. Furthermore, there was requirement for decommissioning of old equipment, replacing most of cabling, and installation of new control systems in shortest possible time in effort to minimize economic loss. UNITRONICS Vision 1040 was our best choice for that task. Finally, thanks to precise cooperation with our customer, we were able to plan the whole action for really short time, and above that, keep the schedule without time loss.

Beyond the replacing of the control systems, we were able to equip the control systems with SMS ability and to connect them to the internet for future remote access. We used Cinterion TC65i modems for SMS communication; and Lenovo mini PCs with 3G USB sticks for connecting technology to the Internet. Software: There is Remote Operator installed on every PC along with DataXport for collecting data from technology.

Notable fact: The whole mission took less than 30 days for only three employees: Project Manager, Software Engineer and Electrician.

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