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cannot communicate with the plc

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I'm having the following error "cannot communicate with the plc with the specified unit id" using the SD Card Suite V2.0.59 in plc vision1040.
This problem does not happen using a notebook only on the desktop, I've tried different driver versions and nothing.
I do not know what to do, someone can help.

I am using the RS485 network with a comm5 1s-usb-485 converter.

Sorry for English.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Moises,

I'm assuming that you are trying to use SD Card Explorer?  I don't know 1040s, but I am intrigued why you are using 485.  Can you please supply a screenshot of the communications settings window that works ok on the notebook? And does the 1040 have ethernet fitted?



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Yes I'm using SD Card Explorer. I'm using 485 because it was the equipment supplier that made this network available for data collection, I do not have plc access, and there is no ethernet installed.
Yes I am running as admin.

I think the problem is with the desktop because in the notebook the communication usually works. I've tried several different desktops and nothing.

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  • MVP 2023

So on the desktops are you trying via an inbuilt port, yet on the laptop you are using a usb adapter?  This sounds like an instance where 485 is working ok but is really being assumed to be 232, and the desktops might be "stricter" controls.  What cable are you using to connect to the plc?

Can someone else answer whether access is available via 485 into the com port with SD Explorer if the PLC has 485 set internally?  ie Does the Explorer comms box automatically change serial parameters if the chosen comm port is really 485?  I don't know the answer to this.  I've always gone on it only being 232 as the "base" line of communication.  I mostly use ethernet, but it's worth knowing.



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