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Ausman's suggestion for using an interrupt for a precise 2.5 mS time base is an excellent idea. The whole thing was new to me. The Vision help section was well versed on the topic and answered my earlier question as to whether or not the subR required a ladder call.  -hW


The contraindication (let's not use the word bug) in visilogic is that in Ausman's "pumpexample2.vlp" the project optimizer shows a warning that a routine is not called in ladder.  Fundamentally it's output is true, however inerrupts are an exception and do not require a ladder call. It appears the project optimizers code is not self aware of this. It's just evaluating subR's and their associated ladder calls. 

the program loads and functions fine. Thanks all for the clarification on what defines enhanced Vision hardware.  -hW

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13 hours ago, AlexUT said:

Newer call it from Ladder.

Thanks Alex, I interpreted this as "you don't have this in the ladder at all" which made me ask the question.  I was wondering how it would then run!

And as Hot says, why does it show up in Optimise?

Finally, don't forget that for even better accuracy use the 1.25mS when you can.



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  • 6 years later...
On 3/23/2017 at 5:02 PM, hotwires said:

There is a self contained totalizer at the site now that is "jittery" in it's GPM indications.

Had the same issue with my turbine flow meters showing a "jittery" output , ...... violent spikes at times!

The problem was NOT the turbine, it was the turbulent (jittering) water flow within! 

Built a "water  straightener" , installed it in-line and the water went immediately  laminar (smooth flow ,balanced).

Turbine output clean and stable!

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