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Implicit Messaging EtherNet/IP


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Dear All,

I'm looking for program example to try to use Ethernet/IP and specialy with implicit message.

I need to communicate in Ethernet/IP with another PLC (Siemens, Omron..) with my Unilogic PLC.

My PLC will be the slave and another PLC the master. The master will send trame that only must change the I/O, there is no another data.

I have configure it to adapter but after that I don't know how I can lies trame to Input/Ouput of my PLC . It's the first time I use Ethernet/IP so I need some documentation or example.

I use EtherNet/IP Tools from Molex to simulate the master.

Thank for your help.


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As I understand you are using the UniStream PLC as Ethernet/IP adaptor. (Other PLC will be Ethernet/IP Scanner to UniStream PLC).

Once you configure the UniStream PLC as an adaptor ,you need to link tags to the input and output (You can link single tag, array or struct).

After configuring the tags you will get automatically the address for input , address for output and its sizes.

You can review UniLogic help and also watch the video tutorial about Ethernet/IP :



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