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Simulate an analog input


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Hello Salem,

what you mean about "simulate" ? ...by real signal (mA,Volt etc) or by software?...in first case you need a proper module to manage the signal, maybe from a potetiometer...in second case you can insert two buttons in the HMI to increase and decrease the value of a tag... at the end, for example, you can use one or both of these two reference to manage one or more bargraph or gauges...

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Thanks for you answer, i'm potentially in the second case but when my incrementation button is created, i can't link it to my Analogic Input in order to simulate, the only values selectable are Analogic Outputs, 

I want to modify values in order to manage a bargraph.


Here is what i did :

I selected a UIA-0800N module which will be connected to a Level Sensor. I affected an input with my alias name but the sensor isn't connected yet. I want to test my functions before connecting it


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that I know you can't do this.  You can't manage in this way the input...these need real signal...

have you also analog output?  if you have a module that manage an analog output, maybe, you can connect the output with the input; create buttons to manage the output value and with the input read the signal...

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  • MVP 2023

If you are getting into Analogue values on a PLC, or anything that uses Analogue I/Os, you are much better off buying a signal generator to physically test things.  Google "4-20mA/0-10V Signal Generator" and you will have myriad choices of how much you want to spend.   Points to look for: self-powered, easy to setup/connect, easily adjust amounts on the fly, easily change type etc.



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  • MVP 2023
5 hours ago, Flex727 said:

That allows you to change the value when you're in online mode.

So does that in some ways allow what the OP wanted to do, just to check what other things in the program display/react to etc?  Or does the real input over-ride any user input immediately?

cheers, Aus

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