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I have Unitronics Jazz PLC Jz20-J-T40 PLC. When I connect to my PLC and make online changes, like forcing bit that changes my output, PLC shuts down. This bit that I force, turns ON pump on Output, and then I should get confirmation work signal on Input, but instead, it shuts down. When I'm not connected to PLC, and this same situation happens, it works normally, i can also see confirmation work on my PLC screen. But when I'm connected it shuts down on same place. I have 8 pumps that works this way, and same thing happens on all of them. 

Does my model of Jazz PLC can work in mode that I'm trying to work in (online debugging with I/O changing) or not?

Please help. Thankful in advance,

Nikola Ljubinkovic

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That is what I have been using all the time, and sometimes also the full view with screen.

Code is not the problem, I have tried to put just 2-3 simple ladder lines to my PLC, same things happens. It does not depend on my program. 

Question is very simple, can I be connected to this specific model of Jazz (JZ20-J-T40) in online mode (glasses :D) and to read directly I/O's on PLC. Specific the ones that start something, and then that something sends me a work confirmation bit on input, and then I read it and so on. 

On my V130 i had no problem with online start/stop of the same facility, with same pumps and everything, and same program. On Jazz it shuts down every time on this same part of program logic, no matter what pump (of 8 pumps) I have started, and get theirs work confirmation. I measured all the voltage and current on PLC I/O's, and I have measured on this specific point when PLC shuts down, it works normally. I also have relay mode on this facility, and I measured V/A again, also OK. 

This problem happens only on Jazz.

Best regards,

Nikola Ljubinkovic

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Hi Nicola,

Please send your smallest code having this behavior to support@unitronics.com and explain step-by-step what you doing.

This will help us to simulate this case.

Add next information to your email:

-JZ20 OS version (display snapshot).

-U90Ladder version.

-What communication interface do you use - USB, Ethernet, or RS (what is adapter model and driver version).

-What is a PC OS (XP/7/8/10) and PC model?

-Does this happens at this PC only, or at others PCs too.

-Does this happens with other interfaces?

We will answer you with results.



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  • MVP 2023

Hi Nicola,

Everything AlexUT says is relevant, but I would also like to know if this is the same plc in your Download error post?  And is it a different model to the others you refer to that work ok?  I would also make sure they are all the most up to date OS.

Re the drivers, perhaps before going further with Alex's requests, have a good read of the post here, and the other link it refers to:

Check everything out and if you still have issues, then do what Alex asks.

cheers, Aus

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I have seen that post that you told me to see. Like I said, it does not depends on the code i have in my plc.

The whole logic that is bothering me is following:

One normally open contact that is (MB0) that is connected to Input (I0) that turns on real-life pump. Then, after 100-200 milliseconds, on my other Input (I1) i get work confirmation bit, that says me that pump is working. Using that bit, I turn on motor in totally independent system, that turns on only if my pump is working for longer than 5 seconds. When pump shuts down, so does the motor. It literally can't be simpler than that. Two Inputs, two outputs, same thing. 

This is a different PLC from one I have in download error post. It's the same model, but different device. 

My code in reality looks a little different. I have 8 pumps and 3 motors, but I use same logic, just bigger and a little more complex. But for testing my PLC, I have downloaded and tried same thing I said above, and when I get work confirmation, PUFF! Shutdown. I will contact my seller here in Serbia to see is it maybe hardware problem. I have some other post on this forum where problem was in device they sent me, not software I have downloaded. 

Also, everything that can be updated, is updated. Drivers, windows, OS, PLC, bios, etc. I have tried also on versions my PLC has worked on, still the same. I can no longer lose my time on this one, so I began new project, and put this one on standby. I contacted my seller, PLC is with them, they said they will respond with an answer in next 2-5 days. Results will be posted here. 

All I wanted to find out here is can Jazz be viewed online with laptop on actual facility with actual I/O's and logic, or all debugging must be done before connecting it to the I/O's power. Simulation can be used with just a PLC and laptop or PC, and everything I have tried with this equipment worked fine, until real-world test. 

It does not depend on which PC/Laptop etc I'm connected to it while online viewing, it crashes only and every time on work confirmation, and only if I'm online. I have tested my PLC, and it works just fine without me connected to it, and on same part of the logic where it crashes when I'm online, it works just fine when I'm not connected to it.

I have also measured all current and voltage in my entire setup, and in this exact moment, it doesn't show anything unusual at all.

Best Regards, 

Nikola Ljubinkovic

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  • 2 weeks later...

I contacted my seller, they said it can be hardware problem, and they will send me a new device. New PLC has arrived yesterday, and I installed it on facility, but I had no time to test this problem. Anyway, I have tested my logic fully, and I will not do this over again. It works fine without me being connected to it, and I just don't want to know if this is problem with Jazz, or hardware.

I really appreciate help, I got what I needed to know.

Best regards,

Nikola Ljubinkovic

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