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Automatically Scrolling Through a List of Texts

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Hello all,

I am trying to scroll through active messages in a message center within a Variable: Lists of Texts on the HMI. So say I have 20 messages in the "message center" and it will display the each message or all high bits every 4 seconds. Once it reaches the last active one it will then loop back and start over.

I achieved this in a different software using a file bit compare. It compares a reference dint with a value of zero to the test dint. It increments 1 bit at a time and each time it sees a mismatch it stores that number. Is there an eloquent way to do this in visilogic? I am just looking for a pointer on which FB I should use for this.

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Yes thank you greatly for that! I believe that will work great. I can initiate a scan to find the first active bit then say every 4 or 5 seconds do a next event. The only issue I see is how to define when it needs to loop back once it has reached the end of the vector. It seems there is no done bit per say.

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