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V350 Communication


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I am very new to Unitronics and have been asked to connect and down load to the 8 V350's we have in South Africa. Soooooo, 8 350's are connected to a switch to a PC then to a router then to a ADSL. For the life of me get connected. I have all of the IP addresses and using UDP setting. I connect when I deselect "obtain an IP address automatically" and enter at the local PC the IP address of the local PLC, but no connection as soon as I select IP automatically so that I can connect remotely. What I'm I missing?



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If all the 8 PLCs and the PC are connected to the same switch then basically if you will set to each one of the deivces IP Address in the same gateway then you will be able to connect from the PC to each one of the PLCs.

In the ladder code add the function TCP/IP card init after direct contact of SB2 and configure IP address, Subnet mask and default gateway according to your network settings.

Add the function PLC name after TCP/IP card init and configure your PLC name.

Download the application and reboot the PLC.

Then using VisiLogic, Remote Access or any other Unitronics software you can access to controller via the IP address, PLC name and the port 20256 or 20257 if you did not change the sockets settings.

Please note that you can also configure each one of the sockets to other port number and TCP slave and later use this port number for connection.

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