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Modbus TCP Slave Import Address list


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I'm working on a project in which I have to provide a huge number of data to a upper level SCADA system with Modbus TCP.
Is there a possibility to import Slaves Addressing Lists from Excel? (like the export option?)

Is it possible to use the Advanced Modbus Functions to provide data addressing as Modbus Slave?
Are there any other options to provide the data?

Thank's for your help!

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First I want to point that the MODBUS Advanced functions are only when the UniStream perform as master.

If I understand you right, the UniStream is MODBUS slave and the  SCADA is the MODBUS master.

In this case after preparing the list of registers/coils in the slave configuration, you can export it to Excel so that the you can provide it to the SCADA programmer.

As you mentioned indeed the export option is already supported:


Can you explain what exactly you wish to import?

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Hello Ofir,

Thank you for your response. I am looking for a possibility to import the Slaves Addressing list to the UniStream.

For my project an import function would have the following benefit:
I have 12 times the same machine part with the same data structure. One time I will fill in the tags manually in the Slave Addressing list. Then export the list to Excel -> duplicate it -> import it back to the UniStream.
In Excel, it is easier to change e.g. the Modbus addresses and so on.

Is it possible to add 65535 Register and Coils to the slave list or is there another max limit of data?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Offir!

I agree that the import ability of any Modbus tables would save a lot of working time and will help  preventing mistakes. this is impotent on new project that have same addressing lists many times already present in a previews project.  Or if you just want to re-arrange the current table you find it  problematic as  it is not possible to insert a row. in any case to edit a table would be more efficient and time saving using Excel.   


Other functions that would be helpful if has export/import are Email and SMS.  some time i would like to copy a  complex message from one application to another. and it is not possible.

Any chance to find it in a future updated?

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