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How to tell the current file name.

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Hi everyone

I have one simple question that I'm having trouble finding the the answer to, so at the risk of sounding like a newbie I thought I'd ask in here.

How do I tell the file name of the current project loaded in visilogic (9.0.1)?

My trouble is that the file name and/or path are condensed with the ~ character.

Open question to anyone and obviously not an urgent matter.


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I've noticed this too. The top frame of the visilogic IDE window (the "Windows" window) usually displays the name of the project currently open.

I don't know how you could get the path in there, I've never seen that. But to display the name without the tilde (~), open visilogic first, then open the project from within it using the Open button or menu item.

You get the ~ when you try to open a project by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer.


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That works well; I'll make a habit of opening files that way.

However I was hoping someone would point be to somewhere in the project properties or similar.

It's still pretty average to be unable to confirm exactly which version I have open somewhere in the program.

I'd like to see a path and file name added somewhere, especially considering how easy it would be.

Thanks for your help TM

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