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I'm new in Unitronics. I was created 4 HMI displays and i want to switch them over using  the buttons back and forward. The main idea is to switch the first one over the second display and to look through it. I tried with logic in ladder, but I switched the two displays only for a second when I clicked on the button. I want to look through the display until I push the button to switch over the other display. Can anyone help me, please ? 

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  • MVP 2023

Always use positive transition contacts when switching HMI Displays in Ladder. Another option is to use the "Links & Jumps" tab on the display itself to list which bits are linked with which HMI display.

FYI, there are example projects that came with your VisiLogic installation that can be very helpful to see how to do things. Also, there is a Unitronics YouTube channel with lots of training videos.

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