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Output RTC in Time/Date format


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 I need to output a time/date stamp to a DTI in the format dd-mmm-yyyy hh:nn:ss.  I am able to output the time/date stamp using the "Date Time to UTC" function, but this outputs in a numeric format, which I believe is Unix Time.  Is there a way to then convert that format to my desired format?

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Thanks for the UDFB, Flex727.  So I'm struggling to understand how I incorporate this into my logic.  

I called the function in my main function and entered my UTC in the A field, this worked as I was able to confirm in online mode that the UDFB parsed out the hour, minutes, seconds, days, etc.  I assigned an ASCII tag to the the B Field of the Call Function, but there was no resultant output in that field.  

I'm wondering if I need to do something with the logic in the last rung (Region2.Rung8) the comments say "Placing the result"  

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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