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How to reset "Idle Timeout" timer in UAC when working with VNC?

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In my project I have to do ladder logic to logout users.  At this moment if a user is logged in UAC is ignoring the user's HMI changes, value changes or other operations and it logout in idle timeout. I'd like to reset the timeout timer if some operation in progress. UAC also can logout automatically during an operation or loading other HMIs. Do you have any advice to solve this? 

I've tried to set and reset Event update bit in every HMI changes (via HMI is active bit) with no results. Unfortunately Logout action is only able in HMI editor.  


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Hi balazs.tarro-HUN,
The UAC "Idle Timeout" job is to determine the amount of time that a user may remain inactive before being logged out by the system. When a user is logged in and thier is a touch event it resets.

Just to understand,


UAC is ignoring the user's HMI changes, value changes or other operations and it logout in idle timeout

meninges that when you are logged in the HMI touch event does not reset your "Idle Timeout" timer?

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8 hours ago, NoamM said:

Hi balazs.tarro-HUN,
The UAC "Idle Timeout" job is to determine the amount of time that a user may remain inactive before being logged out by the system. When a user is logged in and thier is a touch event it resets.

Just to understand,

meninges that when you are logged in the HMI touch event does not reset your "Idle Timeout" timer?

I forgot to mention the PLC is used via VNC at the most of time. Touch event in VNC does not reset the timer. 

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