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VisiLogic was not shut down properly.

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I am facing major issues with visilogic right now . I cant open my project. Usually it says "visilogic was not shut down properly" after I press OK program just crashes and even if I close the program I can not open not just the project which is causing it to crash but also  I cannot ope any project until I am reinstalling it completely. I did everything  what was written in this topic: 

But I have zero luck with it.  Any chance anyone faced this kind of error ?  I am attaching file which is causing all this problem but I highly recommend not open it with visilogic.  This project is very important to my and it take me a 3 week to finished so I am loosing my mind right know because of course  I did not back it up.  


Project 2251.vlp

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  • MVP 2023

Sadly, I was not able to open your project either. Are you using VisiLogic version 9.8.79? If so, may I ask why, since the released version is 9.8.65? And, yes, it also corrupted my VisiLogic installation.

I recommend sending your project to Unitronics support to see if they can assist in getting it to open.

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  • MVP 2023

Did you burn your last download into the plc?  If so, run Revouninstaller and get rid of anything visilogic related, reboot, or perhaps if you have a suitable point do a system restore.  Then load the visilogic version you used for the file that is on the plc, and you should at least be on your way again.

I always set up my program saves as a number of alternate names I "FIFO" through , or do continuously progressive ones, for the very reason you are sadly encountering now.

@Flex727 did you try it on various versions and then it broke things?  Or....which version did it break things on?   I don't want to even try it, given your troubles!

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

@Ausman, I only tried it on 9.8.79 because I didn't want to risk breaking an installation that I use for work. I was able to fix it quickly though because I keep a copy of every VisiLogic installation on another drive. I just deleted the files in the Program Files (x86) folder and copied them back from my backup drive and all was good again.

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It does not matter on which version I run it. The result is the same.  I ask about this problem Unitronics support.  The guy could not do anything about it so he forwarded it to R&D for examination.  So I am waiting  for response from them now. 

Thank you all for trying to help me here . 

If there will be any success with R&D examination I will let you know. 

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  • MVP 2023
20 hours ago, Ausman said:

I always set up my program saves as a number of alternate names I "FIFO" through , or do continuously progressive ones, for the very reason you are sadly encountering now.

This is great advice for every programmer. I probably overdo it, but I save a different version every day. That way I cannot lose more than one day's work. If it takes me 10 days to complete a project, then there are 10 files on my hard drive. I also back up my files to a thumb drive every time I step away from my computer. Yes, I'm paranoid, but I NEVER lose my work to an unexpected event.

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  • MVP 2023

I'm sorry for the delay, but the brain only just thought of this.  Have you tried using a program like ShadowCopyView that might let you find a version you have on your system that works.  Depends where you have been saving your data, and a few other things including if it goes back that far.  But it might just be the solution you need.

cheers, Aus

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Just an update about situation of the problem:

Technical support send  me fixed file few days ago and everything seems to be working just fine. I uploaded file to the PLC and it also works  with no problem.  It took them few days to fix it up but in the end it was worth waiting. 


Thank everyone for effort to help me over here.  

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