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EEEPC and Windows 7


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  • MVP 2014

I am interested to hear of user experiences with the EEEPC and Windows 7, and Windows 7 Starter in particular.

A user has had no problems with Visilogic, but lots of problems running UniVision licensing, particularly with USB to serial.

I look forward to hearing of scuccess or otherwise using this combination.

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"particularly with USB to serial"

If it works well with Ethernet or with regular Serial Port (Which EEEPC probably don't have), then I'll put my money on it that it's related to the buggy driver of the USB to Serial.

I'll guess that you are using a product that contains the Prolific Chip... I don't know who guided them on writing drivers, cause they have one of the most buggy drivers I have ever seen.

Go to prolific website and try different versions of the Driver (Try version 1.3 or 1.1 for example).


I answer questions on Experts Exchange and I helped a guy that also had a problem with a USB to Serial product.

He resolved his issues by getting a better product:

"I replaced these with a FTDI chipset based USB to RS232 adapter which has a Windows Certified driver. This took care of all the issues I was seeing. The specific adapter (USBGear USB to RS-232 Plug) I used was purchase from Amazon.com."

You can try to get one and report if ot works well with Unitronics devices (I don't see why it won't...)

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