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Enter in display MIN and MAX value

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Hi to all,

I have one project that I read analog pressure sensor 4-20mA (0-250BAR). I need to switch valve ON and OFF on setted value min and max.

Now I have setted that valve is on allways when he is below 160bar and when he reach 160bar he goes off. And when pressure drops below 150bar he is ON again till 160bar.

Program is working but if I would like to change minimum and maximum values I need to set it in the program and writte it to plc.

Is it possible to do changes directly on the display for MIN=0-250bar and for MAX=0-250bar?

For example I would like to change MAX=180bar and MIN=100bar directly on display.


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1 hour ago, kikitron said:

Hi to all,

I have one project that I read analog pressure sensor 4-20mA (0-250BAR). I need to switch valve ON and OFF on setted value min and max.

Now I have setted that valve is on allways when he is below 160bar and when he reach 160bar he goes off. And when pressure drops below 150bar he is ON again till 160bar.

Program is working but if I would like to change minimum and maximum values I need to set it in the program and writte it to plc.

Is it possible to do changes directly on the display for MIN=0-250bar and for MAX=0-250bar?

For example I would like to change MAX=180bar and MIN=100bar directly on display.

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I found the sollution :)

Thank you anyway, admin can delete this because I was to quick to open new topic.



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  • MVP 2023

Thanks Kikitron for letting us know. 

It is often amazing how the simple act of telling someone else about a problem switches a lightbulb in your head and lets you solve the problem yourself!  I have always thought it is because in explaining the issue, a fundamental concept previously missed becomes apparent.

cheers, Aus

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