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Unilogic operation issues with laptop

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I recently updated to Unilogic version 1.26 Rev90 on both my desktop and laptop. I made changes to an existing Unilogic PLC program on my desktop, also updating the program to the most recent 1.26 Rev90 version. When I tried to open this same PLC program with the 1.26 Rev90 Unilogic on my laptop, the program will not open. I am using Windows 7, service pack 1 on both, both have recent windows updates.  

Has anyone else had this issue and solved it? Unitronics tech support has run out of ideas.

Any thoughts appreciated, thanks

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Hi, we'll have a remote session on your Laptop today in order to debug this issue.

I don't have the full information about the problem. What exactly happens?

The project starts to open in your laptop, but then UniLogic view is left blank? (Solution explorer, toolbox, etc are not filled), or

Solution partial open and then UniLogic crashes?


What about creating a new project in your Laptop. That does work? If yes, then the project can also be opened in your desktop as well? Is the laptop able to re-open its own projects?

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