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Unable to read DTI row


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Dear All,

I am doing as follow: import a CSV file (copied from USB stick in the "data folder") with a single row of 23 Strings (each String is 25 lenght); create a UDTF file from this CSV; upload the UDTF to a DTI; read the DTI row.

each of these action is done in a specific ladder rung; each rung check if the previously action was perfomed without problem...then at the end my CSV is converted; the DTI il filled with right values but when I read the DTI row I don't have any error (exist status "0") but the struct variables is not filled (all single field is empty)...I tried to write the DTI with the same struct and all works...the DTI take the new value...I forced the action (cvs->udtf->dti->read) then the DTI take the value of the CSV file but nothing change...the struct fields still have the previusly values.

what can be wrong?

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